Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Neon Blud show review

As anyone who cares may know, Neon Blud played tonight in Philly. Tonight should have been our first show, but it was not in the cards. Regardless, a lot has changed with Neon Blud since there appearance here last year. They have added on another guitar player, opening new doors for them to explore sound through. Taking a step closer towards sonic youth , with longer songs, more happening in each song, and overall more guitar noise Neon Blud has experienced a change. All of the songs they played were are not included on the new record which if the fates allow they will receive tomorrow, but i can only assume the new record will contain sounds similar to what was heard tonight. They opened with something continuing right where Whips left off, but as the song pushed forward I could see they were treading on new ground. Everyone in the band seemed to play a particular yet ever important part to each song. The two guitars adding a background and foreground , the drummer in the back pounding his drums as if he wanted more than anything for them to break, and in front keeping it all together is the bass sort of humming along leading everything else behind it. With the first song done, everyone in the crows shuffles back to there original standing position and awaits more, the drummer leans over and says "lets see them mosh to this one" and begins the song that would seem to continue on, if not lead into, the rest of there set. In complete silence the drummer and singer start onto the next song, opening with only them. A subtle drum beat comes forward while the singers voice rings out and everyone is completely silent waiting to see what will happen next. Line after line it was possibly the only time we could hear the vocals so well the whole night, moments pass and the guitars come in and everyone can feel the build up, the sounds ring on and on and sort of lull you into a false sense of security, and in one moment the song explodes into something else carring your senses in any and all direction. After what seems like forever and what feels like a second they calm everything back down for what feels like the end, and it stops for only a moment leaving only one guitar strumming out a note, and without a moments hesitation they go right back into it like a speeding train and the cacophony it carries. Inevitably they begin to slow and quite for what sounds and feels like a car crash on an ending, and just like that its all over.

In my opinion at least. Check out Neon Blud if you haven already. Vatican show updates soon..

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